
Thursday, October 4, 2012

[October 4] Herman VI, margrave of Baden-Baden

Parents: Herman V, margrave of Baden, and Irmengard of the Palatinate
Date of Birth: 11 July 1238
House: Zähringen
Spouse(s): Gertrude, daughter of Henry, duke of Mödling, and Agnes of Thuringia
Predecessor: Hermann V
Reign: 1243 – 1250
Brief: Although ruling over a relatively marginal German marcher county, Herman rose to prominence in 1248 when he married Gertrude, the niece of the last member of the Babenberg dynasty which had ruled over Austria for the past four centuries. He claimed the duchies immediately on behalf of his wife and allowed his younger brother, Rudolf, to rule them in his name. A rival, Ottokar II, king of Bohemia, claimed the duchy in 1252 on behalf of his own wife, Margaret, sister of the last Babenburg duke, and things became complicated. Unfortunately for Herman's family, the aristocracy of Austria favored Ottokar over the margraves of Baden, despite the fact that the Baden margraves had papal approval of his titles. Ottokar kept them until 1278 when they were reverted by Imperial decree to the House of Habsburg, which now ruled the Holy Roman Empire. Little mattered to Herman, however, as he died quietly in 1250 and his son, Frederick, succeeded him in his claims to Austria.
Date of Death: 4 October 1250
Successor: Frederick I

Other Monarchs Who Died Today:

  • Vladimir, prince of Novgorod (1052)
  • William III, count of Ponthieu (1221)
  • Kameyama, emperor of Japan (1305)
  • Sarsa Dengel, emperor of Ethiopia (1597)

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