
Thursday, October 11, 2012

[October 11] Sulaiman Khan, sultan of Bengal

House: Karrani
Predecessor: Taj Khan
Reign: 1566 – 1572
Brief: Serving as the second sultan of the Karrani dynasty to rule over Bengal, Sulaiman Khan ruled a small terrritory in the east of India under the authority of the Mughal Emperor Akbar. When Akbar defeated the Afghans in the west, many fled to Bengal to settle under the Karrani flag. Sulaiman fought constantly with his own desire to dominate the region. Avoiding publishing coins in his name, he sought to appease the emperor by placing Akbar's name in mosques and adding his name to the Khutbah sermon every Friday. In 1568, Sulaiman sent his son Bayazid with the general Kala Pahar against Orissa's king Mukunda Deva north of Bengal. He successfully conquered the entire region and append it to his growing realm. He followed this conquest with another to Kamata (Koch Bihar) and defeated them soundly. Sulaiman himself remained in his new capital at Tanda, which he had moved from Gaur when he ascended the throne. He died in 1572 leaving his small empire to Bayazid.
Date of Death: 11 October 1572
Successor: Bayazid Khan

Other Monarchs Who Died Today:

  • Robert I, count of Dreux (1188)
  • Boniface VIII, pope of Rome (1303)
  • Louis IV, Holy Roman Emperor (1347)

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