
Monday, October 1, 2012

[October 1] Abdur Rahman Khan, emir of Afghanistan

Native Name: عبد رحمان خان
Surnamed: "The Iron Amir"
Parents: Mohammad Afzal Khan, emir of Afghanistan
Date of Birth: around 1840
House: Barakzai
Predecessor: Ayub
Reign: 1880 – 1901
Brief: The early years of Abdur Rahman's life were dominated by political infighting over the succession to the Afghan throne. In 1868, Abdur was finally forced to flee to Persia after briefly serving as governor of northern Afghanistan for his brother, Azam Khan. After eleven years in exile, the British government invited him to return to Afghanistan and take over the government following the conclusion of the Second Anglo-Afghan War in 1880. It only took a few years to remove most of the British presence from the land and secure his throne from would-be usurper relatives. Balanced between British India on one side and the Russian Empire on the other, Abdur Rahman attempted to remain as a neutral buffer between the two states. By the time of his death, he had consolidated full control over Afghanistan like none of the rulers before him, defeating local tribes and silencing rebellious family members, though he did all this through blatant coercion, espionage, and despotism. The internationally-recognized border of Afghanistan with Pakistan was determined by international conference during his reign. His son succeeded to the emirate after him.
Date of Death: 1 October 1901
Successor: Habibullah Khan

Other Monarchs Who Died Today:

  • Eadwig, king of the English (959)
  • Alan III, duke of Brittany (1040)
  • Gerard de Ridefort, grand master of the Knights Templar (1189)
  • Boniface IX, pope of Rome (1404)
  • Mindon Min, king of Burma (1878)

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